Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My resolution

Anyone who knows me well knows that I am anti-resolutions. I took the stand against resolutions many years ago because of the self-induced stress that accomplishing and maintaining them brought. My resolutions always involved being more centered, losing weight and advancing my career all in an unrealistic timeframe. Each February I found myself frustrated with myself and my resolutions. My unhealthy habits resumed and were worse than before I set my goals. So one year I resolved never again to set resolutions.

This year I faced some of my greatest challenges and (thank God) greatest successes. Unfortunately during my expansion hub bub I lost sight of what was really important – my health. As an avid meditator and yoga practitioner I was felt that I was living a perfectly balanced life. I was working more and I was finally getting some attention for the business, plus I still had my sanity, right? My family obligations were never neglected even though I spent long hours at the new studio. There was always time to cook a healthy meal, spend time with my daughter and husband and do whatever housework I had the energy for.

Well, what I forget how important it was for me to REST. The gift and the curse of what I do is that it doesn’t feel like work. I often find myself working an ungodly amount of hours without realizing it. Soon I began to experience some very odd health problems that didn’t necessarily put me down for the count but definitely interfered with my hectic work schedule. So I bit the bullet and went to see a Naturopathic Doctor. We spent two hours discussing my work schedule, my tendencies, my fear of failure and other things that were (seemingly) unrelated to my health issues. At the close of my session he explained what was going on and that the root cause of ALL of my current issues was burnout. At first I tried to deny it, I was doing yoga, I was meditating and I am always in a (semi) constant state of Samadhi (bliss), right?

So often we overwork ourselves because we think we can handle it. We are bound by obligations and wouldn’t even think of lessening the load because there are people who depend on us. Well guess what? You need you too! If we don’t take care of ourselves we aren’t any good to anyone.

This year I am breaking my anti-resolutions rule. I NOW resolve to take it easy, work smarter, relax more often, say “no” more often and honor myself in each and every decision that is made.

So what do you resolve?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Greatest Gift

It's that time of year where the advertisers are banking that we'll all go rushing to get the latest fad gift. My family has been inquiring what I'd like for Christmas and I honestly can't think of any material thing I want right now.

This year has been a very rough one financially and I'm now starting to see the fruits of my labor. Because of the "economic crunch" I took a long hard look at my budget and found creative ways to have fun with the family and still get in some "pamper me" time. Instead of going out to eat with the family we bonded over cooking meals at home. That (almost necessary) bi-weekly trip to the nail salon for a pedicure became a home ritual. I would soak my feet in essential oil infused water while sipping on tea and catching up on the latest book. That rushed feeling was gone and the usual 20 minute pedicure turned into a full hour of relaxation.

I can definitely say that I am grateful for this year. It made me remember that the greatest gift we can give to our loved ones is ourselves. Time is endless, priceless and can be given each and every year.

May this holiday season bless you and yours!

Om Shanti,


Monday, October 20, 2008

Live, breath and accept abundance

I know a lot of us have been glued to the television set watching the crash of the stock market along with everything else we have invested our hard earned money into. Due to all the gloom and doom I decided to spend less time watching television and more time reading books. With my newfound downtime I re-discovered Napoleon Hill and Dr. Dennis Kimbro’s Think and Grow Rich, A Black Choice. I already listened to Napoleon Hill’s first book Think and Grow Rich on audiocassette and had NO idea that the “black” version would offer any greater insight… boy was I wrong. Black, white, yellow or purple, we need to read these books! It reminded me that we create our own reality, regardless of what is going on in the world around us. Yes, we are being told that stocks are crashing and the market is “down”, but lest we forget that we do have the power to control our destiny through faith and manifestation.

So I have resolved to turn off the television, ignore the papers and claim and manifest all the desires of my heart. Your life is what YOU make it… not what you are told. If you want to be wealthy in this time of need, claim it and believe it is coming sooner than later. I live by the rule ask, believe and receive. We can all live the life we dream of. We have to just believe that it is here and we are worthy.

This day I encourage you to live happily, abundantly and blissfully!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Music therapy...

Today I woke up in one of those moods. I was tempted to roll over and stay in bed all day, despite my long to do list. Knowing that sleeping in was not an option, especially on a Monday, I dragged myself out of the bed and put my iPod on shuffle. On my way to the bathroom I stumped my toe. I managed to slip getting out of the tub, almost breaking something. And to add icing on the cake I got floss stuck in my teeth. Just GREAT… going back to bed was starting to look more like an option. Then I heard it:

Birds flying high you know how I feel. Sun in the sky you know how I feel. Breeze drifting on by you know how I feel. It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me....and I'm feeling good.

The soulful sultry voice of Nina Simone filled the room. Her music lifted my dark cloud and gave me the inspiration I needed to continue on with my day – minus the bad mood. I began to sing with her and danced as I allowed her words to sink in.

It’s amazing how powerful a song can be. Have you ever been in a mood and a song comes on right on time and changes things? Music is a very powerful tool in shifting energy. The next time you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or something happens to sour your beautiful day, listen to music for inspiration.

Have a blessed and peaceful day!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Today, I decided....

For the past several days I've been waking up at exactly 4:15 am. After the 3rd day of waking up at the exact same time I finally "got it." There was something that I was supposed to do or realize. God was giving me the subtle hint and luckily it didn’t take me very long to catch on!

On that 3rd day I made my way (sleepy eyes and bumping into things) to my sacred meditation room. I sat in silence and listened for my message. After a few still moments I realized that I am doing something so huge that I let the excitement almost pass me by. Now don’t get me wrong, when I finally closed on my new studio space I had several sporadic yelling and jumping fits, but I didn’t truly let myself rejoice.

The journey was an emotionally draining one, but with faith and God’s will I am here. My work and persistence wasn’t the most draining thing, it was also due in part to the worrying and judgments of others. I had reached out with an SOS requesting help to fund this dream. I got a LOT of support from my loved ones. But in addition to the support I got a lot of negativity and doubt thrown my way.

One gentleman accused me of doing something illegal by asking for donations! Well of course that’s silly and untrue but his comment did hit me for a moment. Was I getting in over my head? Should I have waited? I now have 2 mortgages to worry about, a slightly less stellar credit rating due to countless inquiries and renovation money that I am manifesting (with glee) so that I can officially open up shop.

I got up once again this morning, this time I made my way to my meditation room with a light heart and determination. In my journal I wrote “I refuse to succumb to the drama around me… to others saying they know what’s best for me… to words of doubt about my dreams… to negative things said about me that have more to do with the speaker… today, I claim my blessings as I am LOVED, I am WHOLE, I am ABUNDANT and I am RECEIVING all the gifts that the Universe bestows upon me.”

Today, what have YOU decided?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ask, believe and receive

This morning I woke up a little before 5 am. My eyes just popped open and I began to smile. For four months I have been working on buying a new location for my yoga and wellness studio. The process started in April when I saw a quaint house right around the corner from where I lived with a for sale sign in the yard. It was definitely a fixer-upper but I saw the potential. While driving by with a friend she commented that I better buy that house to use as a studio.

I was amazed because I had looked longingly at the house several times in passing and thought the same thing but never told anyone. My friend voiced what I was feeling and I took this as validation. On a beautiful April afternoon my friend and I (who happens to share my first and maiden name and lives on the SAME street!) went by to see the owner. I fell in love with the land and the potential to do great things with the property. I told him that I was very interested and I would be back.... and I did come back with intention in hand. I wrote on a small piece of paper that the property is sold to me and I also wrote the amount I wanted to pay for it.

Time passed, the market changed and my first loan fell through. As I hurried to secure financing I refused to give up hope. I was turned down by 7 banks that could not see my vision. Determined to make my dream a reality I took a picture of the house and put it in my journal. Each day I would look at the picture and thought about all the wonderful things I was going to do with the property. Then as the Universe would have it I found someone who was willing to work with me - but I had to come up with 20% down! Not having the funds at the time to put down I went to work on manifesting the money and thought about my new space. The first closing date passed and a second was secured with a promise to put more down on good faith for the owner's assurance. Donations and support started pouring in from friends, family, clients and their associates. In the nick of time I had all that I needed!

Through asking, believing and receiving my blessing I have manifested the largest thing (so far) in my life. Anyone can do this! Just know and believe you are worthy and open yourself to love and abundance. It is important to stay in a state of excitement for whatever you want to manifest and don't let doubt creep in. You can manifest as quickly as you like, you just have to have blind faith - BELIEVE!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Just breathe...

Breathing is something that is vital to life, yet not given much thought on a day-to-day basis. I realized awhile ago that I hold my breath when I am anxious, upset or when I didn't want to deal with certain emotions.

As I began my journey into yoga and holistic healing I learned that by holding my breath so much I was actually storing the pain in my DNA. Instead of checking out of difficult situations by holding my breath I was storing the pain for future use.

How many times has someone said something seemingly innocent and you found yourself overreacting or with hurt feelings? It could possibly be due to something that triggered an emotion that you suppressed.

Now when I know that I am facing difficult situations or people I make it a point to JUST BREATHE. So the next time someone gets on your nerves, smile and take a deep breath in and an equally deep breath out!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Blog therapy

I've been thinking of becoming a blogger for a very long time. I struggled between thoughts of “you should keep your random thoughts to yourself" and "no one cares what you have to say".

Then it hit me, the best way for me to manifest and to live fully is to share the happiness, sadness and whatever is going on because there may be someone out there that "feels me"... and for those that aren't interested in my random musings they don't have to read, it's as easy as that :-)

So here begins my life of online blog therapy. My main purpose in life is the pursuit of total bliss, happiness and unconditional love.