Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My resolution

Anyone who knows me well knows that I am anti-resolutions. I took the stand against resolutions many years ago because of the self-induced stress that accomplishing and maintaining them brought. My resolutions always involved being more centered, losing weight and advancing my career all in an unrealistic timeframe. Each February I found myself frustrated with myself and my resolutions. My unhealthy habits resumed and were worse than before I set my goals. So one year I resolved never again to set resolutions.

This year I faced some of my greatest challenges and (thank God) greatest successes. Unfortunately during my expansion hub bub I lost sight of what was really important – my health. As an avid meditator and yoga practitioner I was felt that I was living a perfectly balanced life. I was working more and I was finally getting some attention for the business, plus I still had my sanity, right? My family obligations were never neglected even though I spent long hours at the new studio. There was always time to cook a healthy meal, spend time with my daughter and husband and do whatever housework I had the energy for.

Well, what I forget how important it was for me to REST. The gift and the curse of what I do is that it doesn’t feel like work. I often find myself working an ungodly amount of hours without realizing it. Soon I began to experience some very odd health problems that didn’t necessarily put me down for the count but definitely interfered with my hectic work schedule. So I bit the bullet and went to see a Naturopathic Doctor. We spent two hours discussing my work schedule, my tendencies, my fear of failure and other things that were (seemingly) unrelated to my health issues. At the close of my session he explained what was going on and that the root cause of ALL of my current issues was burnout. At first I tried to deny it, I was doing yoga, I was meditating and I am always in a (semi) constant state of Samadhi (bliss), right?

So often we overwork ourselves because we think we can handle it. We are bound by obligations and wouldn’t even think of lessening the load because there are people who depend on us. Well guess what? You need you too! If we don’t take care of ourselves we aren’t any good to anyone.

This year I am breaking my anti-resolutions rule. I NOW resolve to take it easy, work smarter, relax more often, say “no” more often and honor myself in each and every decision that is made.

So what do you resolve?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Greatest Gift

It's that time of year where the advertisers are banking that we'll all go rushing to get the latest fad gift. My family has been inquiring what I'd like for Christmas and I honestly can't think of any material thing I want right now.

This year has been a very rough one financially and I'm now starting to see the fruits of my labor. Because of the "economic crunch" I took a long hard look at my budget and found creative ways to have fun with the family and still get in some "pamper me" time. Instead of going out to eat with the family we bonded over cooking meals at home. That (almost necessary) bi-weekly trip to the nail salon for a pedicure became a home ritual. I would soak my feet in essential oil infused water while sipping on tea and catching up on the latest book. That rushed feeling was gone and the usual 20 minute pedicure turned into a full hour of relaxation.

I can definitely say that I am grateful for this year. It made me remember that the greatest gift we can give to our loved ones is ourselves. Time is endless, priceless and can be given each and every year.

May this holiday season bless you and yours!

Om Shanti,
