Monday, June 8, 2009

Grounded in Gratitude

My life has blessed me with many successes, challenges and unexpected events. I often share my hopes and dreams with my family, friends or whomever happens to be around while I am daydreaming. Through their love and support I have been able to accomplish so many things and I eagerly look forward to the next big leap.

I always make it a point to talk and dream “as is”, meaning instead of wishing I am constantly in a state of gratitude, knowing that all of my desires will manifest in the perfect time. I’m always talking about my new 5 acre wellness center and new studio locations.

Someone will always say that they hope I don't forget the "little people" when I become successful. It always makes me laugh because in my reality there are no such thing as “little people.” Everyone in my life (including you, whether you are following my musing or stumbled upon it) contributes greatly to my current and future success.

We often stand in awe of people that get a lot of media attention for taking their talents to another level to gain stardom. What we may fail to realize or recognize is that here and now, in our divinely inspired lives, we are ALL great and worthy of awe. Fame is almost always associated with greatness but know that we don't have to be “famous” in order to be great.

In case you haven’t heard it today, you are wonderful, inspiring and a blessing. You decided to take a pause in your busy day to read my musing and it is because of you I stay motivated and have the courage to share.

Continue to be great, grounded and a blessing.

1 comment:

Ananda said...

Thanks for the wisdom. Loved it. Your photo is amazing. I am gonna add that pose to my evening practice tonight. Om Shanti. Ananda