Monday, December 27, 2010

Streamlining for 2011

As we move into 2011 I find the need to spend less time on the computer and more time out in nature (weather permitting) and experiencing life! Because of this it is necessary to cut down on my many social networking websites. That said, if you are still interested in following my muse please bookmark one of the sites below:


WordPress: (written muse), (video muse)


I pray you have a blissed, blessed and joyful New Year and beyond!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Creative Spirits

Several weeks ago I was tasked with helping my daughter make a creative and detailed diorama. Immediately I drew a blank; there was no way I could help her transform a shoebox into something fabulous and creative. Since we were snowed in there was plenty of time to figure out how to make a miracle happen. I spent almost a whole day brainstorming and insisting that I never had to do things like this when I was my daughter's age. Did the teachers even consider the parents when they dream up these projects?

Looking for a sympathetic ear I called my mother for comfort. She listened patiently as I expressed my frustration at the amount of work to be done and how things weren’t like this when I was growing up. After about five minutes my mother interjected and reminded me that I not only had projects, but it started much earlier, were more frequent AND we didn’t have the luxury of the internet. There were projects due almost every week and apparently I had a knack for putting things together.

So what happened to my childlike creative energy? Sure, I have been blessed with new creative talents but did the old ones fall away? With determination and excitement I helped my daughter with her project. And wouldn’t you know it, things started coming together and I began to remember. YES! I could make magic with pipe cleaners, rubber cement and felt….and a little glitter always makes everything special.

As I grew up and said goodbye to my adolescent years I told myself that I had to be more serious, more mature and that there was no time for immature, creative pursuits. After we finished the project I felt renewed, inspired.... and dare I say, more youthful!

We are all born creative spirits. From being musically inclined to having a unique eye for colors, our creative side begins in our youth. It is a blessing that grows with us, if we allow it to. As adults our lives may be very structured and devoid of creative pursuits, but know that this side of our personalities creates balance and oftentimes, happiness.

Happiness comes from living fully and freely. In order to live life to the fullest we must all honor our creative side. If you are at a loss for what your creative nature holds take a trip down memory lane, reconnect to your creative side and you'll be sure to remember hidden talents. Pull out the finger paint or Play Dough, let loose and have fun!

Staying the Course

It seems as if my mind is always abuzz and I love the fact that I can now find inspiration to muse about around every corner. When I started this muse I intended to write about how to approach positive change with a sense of purpose and determination. I sat quietly and meditated, waiting for inspired thought. Ideas and thoughts flooded in but before I could put fingers to the keyboard something would come up to interrupt the flow.

From my daughter's highly animated stories that seemed to go on and on to calls from loved ones that I have been meaning to reach out to, it seemed as if I couldn't get past the first sentence. As the minutes and hours flew by I felt inspiration diminishing. I resolved to give it one last as the house was finally quiet and the ringer on the phone was off. I opened the window to allow fresh air to come in and began to meditate again to reconnect. The minute I began meditating I heard a loud truck making its way down our street. I gave it a few moments to pass and began again. Thoughts began to rush in and then all of a sudden I heard two people having a very lively (and loud) conversation. My resolve began to wear thin but I waited a few more minutes. Peace and quiet returned and I started typing very quickly. Then wouldn't you know a crow decided to perch near my window and serenade me with its loud screechy voice! I found myself in a fit of laughter and asked myself, ok, ok so what's the message? Should I be doing something else besides writing?

After some thought I realized that there was no good excuse why I couldn't write my muse, there were just a lot of distractions. Then it hit me, how many times have I given up on things because of distractions? I realized that it was more that I cared to admit. All of my distractions were divinely-inspired and in the end helped me to learn a little more about myself.

Have you ever found yourself highly motivated and on a role when lo and behold something comes along and sidetracks you? Distractions may cause us to feel frustrated and sometimes that frustration leaves us feeling unmotivated and wanting to give up. Instead of viewing the distraction as a delay we can instead see it as a well-intended break. And by giving ourselves breaks we may gain new perspective or inspiration towards our goals!

As you continue to create great things in your life see the beauty in the distractions and be grateful for the well-intended pause.