Friday, July 25, 2008

Just breathe...

Breathing is something that is vital to life, yet not given much thought on a day-to-day basis. I realized awhile ago that I hold my breath when I am anxious, upset or when I didn't want to deal with certain emotions.

As I began my journey into yoga and holistic healing I learned that by holding my breath so much I was actually storing the pain in my DNA. Instead of checking out of difficult situations by holding my breath I was storing the pain for future use.

How many times has someone said something seemingly innocent and you found yourself overreacting or with hurt feelings? It could possibly be due to something that triggered an emotion that you suppressed.

Now when I know that I am facing difficult situations or people I make it a point to JUST BREATHE. So the next time someone gets on your nerves, smile and take a deep breath in and an equally deep breath out!

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