Thursday, July 2, 2009

Coping with Loss and Celebrating Life

Several weeks ago my daughter sadly said goodbye to her beloved fighter fish Beta. I softly explained that it was time for Beta to pass on and he is in a much better place. Throughout the day she stuck close by my side and I answered her questions about why people and other living things pass on and why she was feeling so sad. When I got official word that Michael Jackson (one of my ALL time favorite artists) passed away last week I thought of the words I used to comfort Brooke

I thought about the wonderful people in my life that had passed away and how I handled it. Some loved ones had lived a long, fruitful life and others I felt left way too soon. But I now know that we all have a higher calling and when it’s our time, it’s our time.

I wasn’t always so reflective and in the past I didn’t handle grief and bereavement well. It would take me a very long time to get back into my normal routine. My emotions ranged from disbelief to anger, then helplessness and an overwhelming sense of sadness and then finally acceptance. Loss is part of the circle of life, and we will all experience it at some point.

We all need to grieve in order to cope with loss. Though it is a very emotionally and physically draining process it is a necessary one. So that it doesn’t create a state of depression it is important for us to first acknowledge what we are feeling and then assert that we will find peace in the loss and return to a happy and healthy state. Creating rituals to honor and cultivate compassion can help us regain a sense of peace and happiness. We had a short ceremony for Beta so my daughter could say a few words about the joy his life brought to hers and how she would miss him dearly. Rituals can be unique and anything that brings your loved one to mind in a happy light.

Life on this earthly plane is a blessing, very precious and sometimes short. Knowing this, be sure to live your life fully, beautifully and full of excitement. Don’t put off the wonderful things you want to do in your life because you don’t have the time – time is there so take it! Call that person you’ve been thinking of, eat a sandwich and potato chips on the good china, take that long walk in nature you’ve wanted to do for weeks.

We are only promised “right now”, so what are you waiting for?

Rest In Peace Michael....

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